Water Fast Update

I am about to lose my mind…. Is food my ONLY ‘public’ coping mechanism? I am going nuts trying to find someone who will do a hydrostatic weight for me. Or a bod pod. I dont want to rely on my little handheld body fat monitor. I can’t caliper myself and I have read the ppl who are calipered by some people end up with ridiculous numbers. I dont want to rely on human skill and risk human error.

I am embarking on a huge journey and I want to have a huge blog and write a book! I need a reliable body fat documentation to feel like I should move forward. What the heck. Maybe Im overeacting but I have been looking for something online for nearly 2 weeks and I am just really worried it is not going to be available. 

I will have no proof. Grrr…. No reliabel before and after. I will have people saying “Well, she must have lost a bunch of muscle, or bone mass, and water……” I dont even know if photos and a journal will be enough to silence the critics.

I think part of the reason I have had some issues with little bites here and there and those two big cheats is because I want to start this right and do it for an incredibly long time once I start so I can prove to people it can be done and can be done without losing tons of good lean body mass.  I have to come up with something.  Does anyone have an idea?? I am spent.


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